I. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, определите тип получившихся условных предложений.
1. Had I my homework if finished, I would you called have.
2. would you my happen see wife to, tell I her if called.
3. Were good he really if a teacher, let he would early us go.
4. Were I you if , I do wouldn’t that
5. if had I known, I would have you told.
II. Переведите предложения. Определите тип.
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon, and I’m working now. If I have enough time, I will call you tonight. I can’t go to the party. If I got an invitation, I’d go there right away.
Bob is one of my friends with whom I
have some problems recently. If he
didn’t annoy me so much, I’d spend
more time in his office. Look Jane! I’m terribly sorry, but if I had known that you were coming, I’d have met you at the airport.
If I had eaten breakfast in the morning,
I would not be hungry now. If Alex were a good student, he would have studied for the test yesterday
orgullosa de ofrecer un gesto de felicidad a tantos compatriotas.
Daniel: ¿Tienes proyectos a largo plazo?
Mireia: Como deportista, lo más inmediato es el Mundial de Barcelona, para el que animo a todos a que estén presentes y apoyen al equipo español. Seguro que será un espectáculo deportivo de primer orden. A medio plazo, las Olimpíadas de Brasil. En lo personal, acabar mis estudios e intentar crear mi propia pequeña empresa.
Daniel: ¿Qué consejo les darías a las jóvenes que quieran iniciarse en esta profesión como tú?
Mireia: No soy nadie para dar consejos. No obstante, diría a modo de sugerencia, que se diviertan y disfruten del deporte que practican. Y que si llega un día en el que ya no las apasiona lo que hacen, que lo dejen inmediatamente.