1) Moscow is a really beautifull city what people often visit.
2) The most popular time is in Summer July - June.
3) There are so many places to go to. Parks, fields and other. Also there is many water fountains and theaters, cafes and big buildings that glow at night becaus of the lights that are on them. And the sea is really cool too. In Moscow theres are really hot Summers and really cold Winters.
4) Visit theaters, watch fountains shows at night, go to the beach, to the salons and othet.
кароче я решила посочь написать про москву, я хороша в языках. Надеюсь . И ещё я не знаю сколько тут слов, но должно быть достаточно ,_,
1. He was so angry he clenched his fists tightly.
2. Rachel has many friends because she's very sociable.
3 . Pessimistic people always see the negative side of things.
4. Penny doesn't get angry easily. She's very patient.
5. Thomas is very reliable. He won't let you down.
6. Don't believe everything Helen says. She's a bit insincere.
7. A selfish person doesn't care about other people's feelings.
8. Jane is very shy and blushes when strangers talk to her.
9. Henry didn't answer, he just shrugged his shoulders instead.
10 Listen to me! Don't be so stubborn.
My friends will help me tomorrow.
1 Who will help me tomorrow?
2 When will my friends help me?
3 Will my friends help me tomorrow?
4 My friends will help me tomorrow or next week?
5 My friends will help me tomorrow,Will they?
The children are doing their homework
1 Who is doing their homework?
2 What the children are doing ?
3 Are the children doing their homework?
4 The children are doing their homework or they are reading books?
5 The children are doing their homework , Are they?