Виправте помилки в реченнях.1) Іноді я сам граю у відеоігри, але також за друзів пограти.2) Якщо ви не знаєте, що з вами не так, то запитайте лікаря. себе, це був найкращий день, який ми коли-небудь провели разом! 4) Вона зробила це сама.
Check carefully for the perfect clearness of the dinnerwareAppetizers, soup and salad are set in place on top of a service plate. Napkins are never placed on the service plate. The dinner knife is on the right side with the edge to the inside The soup spoon in placed to the outside fish knife on the right. However, in this formal setting the dinner fork is placed to be used before the salad forkThe general rule with utensils is to start from the outside of your place setting, and work your way toward the service plate : soup spoon first, then fish knife and fork, then service knife and fork. The bread plate with the butter knife with the adge to the outside is placed to the left of the service plate above the forks. The dessert spoon and cake fork are above the plate fork handle should point to the left
When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do. (R)When you travel to other places, behave as good responsible tourists do. (R)Learn some basic words and phrases in the local language if you go to another country. (R)Respect local culture and enjoy the differences. If you travel with an open heart and mind, your journey will be more enjoyable. (P)It is silly to waste money on travelling if you really want your experience to be a 'home away from home'. (P)People are not just part of the landscape. If you want to take a photo, ask permission. (R)It's OK to snap selfies in front of historic landmarks. But don't take selfies that can endanger your life (with a bear or rhino just behind you). (R)