When I was at the festival, it was such a good and sunny day. It seemed like everything should have been okay, but, unfortunately, we had got a "trouble". This morning, I just woke up and started thinking about this event. It was the Day of our city. I was invited to the centre of the city, for my friends knew that I liked the things like going to the festivals. This one has been organized by a company. When I came there, everything had already been prepared. The centre of our city had been decorated with many things which surprised me much. Some my friends rang me up, because I didn't see them anywhere. Later, I realized that I had not been attentive. Though, I should admit there was very crowdy. Anyway, we've met. They said they had never found their city as such a nice one. Frankly, I was by their side. So, as I said before, everything had been okay until... So, some time went by, and it started to rain. None expected it could rain that day. Anyways, it didn't make us unhappy. We've seen a great concert, thus everyone was satisfied.
Жили-были старик и старуха,его жена. У них не было детей. У старика было домашнее животное -- птичка. Маленькая серая птичка. Старик нежно любил её. Он заботился о ней. Каждое утро и вечер он кормил и поил её. Однажды старик отправился в магазин,дабы купить еды. Своей жене он сказал:"Я иду в магазин,чтобы купить хлеба,соли,масла,спагетти и сахара. Позаботься о моей птичке! Корми и пои её утром и вечером!" "Хоршо",сказала жена."Я всё сделаю". Было очень холодно. Старик надел тёплые брюки и ботинки,свитер,пальто,тёплую шапку и ушёл.
This morning, I just woke up and started thinking about this event. It was the Day of our city. I was invited to the centre of the city, for my friends knew that I liked the things like going to the festivals. This one has been organized by a company.
When I came there, everything had already been prepared. The centre of our city had been decorated with many things which surprised me much. Some my friends rang me up, because I didn't see them anywhere. Later, I realized that I had not been attentive. Though, I should admit there was very crowdy. Anyway, we've met. They said they had never found their city as such a nice one. Frankly, I was by their side.
So, as I said before, everything had been okay until... So, some time went by, and it started to rain. None expected it could rain that day. Anyways, it didn't make us unhappy. We've seen a great concert, thus everyone was satisfied.