С первым, прости не Ибо я таких не знаю, а искать мне лень. 2) In my home very important different films, because they learn life and help survive the challenges. В моем доме очень важны разные фильмы, потому что они учат жизни и пережить проблемы. 3. My favorite film "enclosed spaces". Because this film teaches love and sensuality. And this is a very interesting film genre of reality Мой любимый фильм "закрытые пространства", потому что этот фильм учит любви и чувственности. К тому же, этот фильм интересен тем, что жанр - реалистика.
Тhere are many holydays in our country. They are New Year Day, Christmas and other. I'd like to tell you about my favorite holiday - New Year's Day.The weather is usually fine and cool and there is a lot of snow everywhere. Children don't go to school because of winter holidays.Our family prepares for this holydays before hand. My father buys and brings a beautiful New Year's Tree. I like to decorate the Tree with toys, little colored lights, sweets and stars. My mother and grandmother prepare our holidays supper. I make a cake. We like to meet the New Year at home with our relatives. At 12 o'clock we sit at the table and say best wishes for the New Year. The New Year is always connected with our new plans and dreams. It is a pleasant moment to get presents on the New Year. At night we watch TV, dance, make jokes and go for a walk with my friends.
1.I will probably buy a new dress.
2.I think you will pass the test.
3.I will buy a new dress.
4.I will be rainy. We can see dark clouds in the sky.
5.The train will leave at 10:15.
6. They will have a party next week. ...