The nature and the person are closely connected. And if the nature can exist without person, then the person without it can't. Therefore it is so important to live in harmony with the nature. But, unfortunately, people try to subordinate to themselves the nature, to become her owner, but so it is impossible. The nature needs to be protected, it is our house. Necessary for life the nature gives all to us. If was considered earlier, the natural riches which aren't settled that they in large quantities, then now it becomes clear what is in limited quantity much. The person can't use gifts of the nature constantly as they can disappear soon. A task of the person to preserve the nature and to increase her riches. It is necessary to approach the matter as we are obliged to leave behind to the descendants the rich, beautiful, and pure planet responsibly.
1)Usually girls are not as strong as boys. 2) Usually old houses are not as comfortable as new houses. 3) Autumn school holidays are as long as spring holidays (я не знаю какой длинны у вас осенние и весенние каникулы, ответь сколько каждые длятся и я изменю если нужно). 4) Chocolate ice cream is as tasty as vanilla ice cream (не меняла) . 5) Plum trees are not as tall as apple tress. 6) The weather in late autumn is not as nice as the weather in summer. 7) Boys are as good friends as girls. ( не меняла). 8) Old towns are not as big as modern cities.
Грибы не имееют мясо. Они не когда не горячии