One night infairy forest where animals live sports winter came suddenly ,great time of year . All animals inwonder out into the street . Having considered the snowprotein shouted, " That's fine, but what about our forest summer Olympics ! ? ""Dont worry , squirrel , everything will be fine , we will have Olympic Wintergame! " shouted smart hedgehog and why itasleep. Forest people did not know any winter sport , and they began to invent In the evening , after all the training, when the protein was returning home , shemet grandmother owl. Old owl said protein , "If you do not get 10gold, 20 silver and 5 bronze medals at the Winter Olympics , the winterwill never end ! " protein had no time to have nothing more to ask the owl as she flew away. People learned about it and began to train hard . the Olympicthe game! Heroes of our forests competed with the beasts of the forests in different cities andcountries. Rabbits that were good shotscompeted in biathlon , proteinscompeted in figure skating,moose - in bobsleigh sports and other animals came up with his his sports. ForestCompetition was almost 2 weeks , athletes worked hard as they could. Our teamforests lacked the same coin , and the competition has ended . And then came theturn of the last ice dancing . Squirrel - skater did not want to say goodbye toin the summer and it should have high expectations. and here she went on the ice -ice queen and danced better than anyone inview of our forest people , but what they say to the judge ? " 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0 " -sounded from the judges. It had the best results in the history of the forestfigure skating. Squirrel was delighted and its people too. "Here she is ourlast gold medal! "- screaming animals . "Now back summer, wakewise hedgehog and become business as usual "- the people rejoiced . "But only Zimushkosad to say goodbye ! "- suddenly said Squirrel . Indeed people have become accustomed to winterloved her . then flewowl and the old woman cried, " Well done, the forest people , you have done everything Isaid the reward I give you a winter together with summer, and even with the spring and fall! "Due to the winter sports animals learned much new and lived longsports and friends! "The End " - said awakewise hedgehog .
Соединенные Штаты Америки являются четвертой по величине страной в мире (после России на первом месте, Канада - на втором , и в третьем ). Это не легко пересечь Америку - расстояние от его запада на восток более чем на 4 , 600 километров. Если вы едете на автомобиле , это может занять у вас около недели, чтобы пересечь страну. Самолетом намного быстрее : это займет у вас 6 часов, чтобы добраться из Бостона в Лос-Анджелес.Когда США родился , было тринадцать Штатов в нем. Сегодня есть пятьдесят Штатов в США . Там американской столице , Вашингтоне , располагается в восточной части страны и не является частью какого-либо государства. Она была построена между 1790 и 1800 и был назван астер, Джордж Вашингтон , первый президент США , в 1791 году , когда он умер . Есть много других больших городах США: Бостон , Нью-Йорк , Чикаго , Лос-Анджелес , Сан-Франциско.Американская природа очень красивая.Аляска известна своим тундры, которые вы можете только Северной Америке и России . Лесах Калифорнии известны самые высокие деревья в мире . Национальный парк Йеллоустоун и Гранд-Каньон являются одними из самых красивых мест в США. Также есть несколько особых мест в США , которые вы непременно должны посетить . Если вы находитесь в США , посетите знаменитый Ниагарский водопад . Это второй по величине водопад на Земле , первым из которых является водопад Виктория в Южной Африке . Ее высота составляет 57 метров . Если ты плачешь, что твой друг рядом с таллс , ваш друг ничего не услышит .Много людей утонуло в быстрой воде , когда они пытались crooss падает . Там были некоторые люди, которые упали с водопада в бочке , но для этого нужно много мужества, чтобы сделать это!
the Olympicthe game! Heroes of our forests competed with the beasts of the forests in different cities andcountries. Rabbits that were good shotscompeted in biathlon , proteinscompeted in figure skating,moose - in bobsleigh sports and other animals came up with his his sports. ForestCompetition was almost 2 weeks , athletes worked hard as they could. Our teamforests lacked the same coin , and the competition has ended . And then came theturn of the last ice dancing . Squirrel - skater did not want to say goodbye toin the summer and it should have high expectations. and here she went on the ice -ice queen and danced better than anyone inview of our forest people , but what they say to the judge ? " 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0 " -sounded from the judges. It had the best results in the history of the forestfigure skating. Squirrel was delighted and its people too. "Here she is ourlast gold medal! "- screaming animals . "Now back summer, wakewise hedgehog and become business as usual "- the people rejoiced . "But only Zimushkosad to say goodbye ! "- suddenly said Squirrel . Indeed people have become accustomed to winterloved her .
then flewowl and the old woman cried, " Well done, the forest people , you have done everything Isaid the reward I give you a winter together with summer, and even with the spring and fall! "Due to the winter sports animals learned much new and lived longsports and friends!
"The End " - said awakewise hedgehog .