Dear Paul,
Thank you for your letter! I'm glad to hear that you've passed your driving test! Congratulations!
I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time. I've been really busy with my new project. By the way, thank you for your brilliant idea. I really had the best presentation last time. I really appreciated your advice.
As for your question, I think all you have to do is just regular exercises. Don't be lazy and try to find at least 20-30 minutes for your health every day. There is a rule of 30 minutes a day: if you do something at least 30 minutes a day you will have a result at the end of the week. For example, if you read 50 pages during this time, at the end of the week you'll have total of about 350 pages. If we say that we don't have enough time for it (as we usually do) we have 0 result at the end of the week. Besides, they say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So all you have to do is to take the bull by the horns and try it for just 3 weeks.
Unfortunately, I need to come back to my project. I hope my advice was helpful.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Take care,
Для того, чтобы составить предложение в Possessive case (Притяжательный падеж), то тогда нам следует к существительному, к которому мы хотим показать отношение чего-либо, подставить -'s. Если существительное множественного числа и имеет окончание -s, то мы просто добавляем апостроф в конце слова.
1. The cards belong to Bill.
Данное предложение переводится как "Карточка принадлежит Биллу". А мы сделаем из него предложение "Это карточка Билла". По такой же схеме будем составлять следующие предложения.
There are Bill's cards.
2. The toys belong to my cousins. - There are my cousins' toys.
3. The pens belong to Jenna. There are Jenna's pens.
4. The crackers belong to Maria. - There are Maria's crackers.
5. The bike belongs to your neighbours. - This is your neighbours' bike.
6. The phone belongs to your sister. - This is your sister's phone.
7. The shirt belongs to her mother. - This is her mother's shirt.
8. The engine belongs to the plane. - This is the plane's engine.