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Поставь глагол в скобках в нужную форму настоящего совершенного времени в пассивном залоге.)

1. The chairs
by my father. (to paint)
2. He
about the accident. (to inform)
3. They
to come on Sunday. (to ask)
4. The bushes
today by the gardener. (to trim)

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Пассивный залог в английском языке. Passive voice in English


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Пас­сив­ный залог в ан­глий­ском языке. Passive voice in English

Пас­сив­ный залог – это си­ту­а­ция, когда под­ле­жа­щее в пред­ло­же­нии, «кто» или «что», де­ла­ет дей­ствие не само, а ис­пы­ты­ва­ет дей­ствие на себе. Кто вы­пол­ня­ет дей­ствие нам не все­гда важно, более важен ре­зуль­тат.

Окно было за­кры­то (окно не за­кры­ва­ло само себя).

Дом был по­стро­ен отцом и дядей (дом не сам себя стро­ил).

Мои вещи укра­ли (вещи не крали сами себя).

Стро­ит­ся пас­сив­ный залог по сле­ду­ю­щей фор­му­ле:

be + гла­гол + -ed (или из тре­тьей ко­лон­ки в таб­ли­це непра­виль­ных гла­го­лов)

Таким об­ра­зом, в на­сто­я­щем вре­ме­ни про­стой пас­сив­ный залог (Present Simple Passive) будет вы­гля­деть так:

am / is / are + гла­гол* (см. опи­са­ние выше)

The house is built. – Дом по­стро­ен.

Space is explored. – Кос­мос ис­сле­до­ван.

The parents are met at the station. – Ро­ди­те­ли встре­че­ны на стан­ции.

We are asked to come as early as possible. – Нас по­про­си­ли прий­ти как можно рань­ше.

I am invited to the party. – Я при­гла­шён на ве­че­рин­ку. / Меня при­гла­си­ли на ве­че­рин­ку.

I am deceived! – Меня об­ма­ну­ли! / Я об­ма­нут!

В про­шед­шем вре­ме­ни (Past Simple Passive) это будет:

was / were + гла­гол* (см. опи­са­ние выше)

The house was built. – Дом был по­стро­ен.

Space was explored. – Кос­мос был ис­сле­до­ван.

The parents were met at the station. – Ро­ди­те­лей встре­ти­ли на стан­ции.

We were asked to come as early as possible. – Нас по­про­си­ли прий­ти как можно рань­ше.

I was invited to the party. – Я был при­гла­шён на ве­че­рин­ку.

I was deceived! – Я был об­ма­нут!

В бу­ду­щем вре­ме­ни (Future Simple Passive):

will be + гла­гол* (см. опи­са­ние выше)

The house will be built. – Дом будет по­стро­ен.

Space will be explored. – Кос­мос будет ис­сле­до­ван.

The parents will be met at the station. – Ро­ди­те­лей встре­тят на стан­ции.

We will be asked to come as early as possible. – Нас по­про­сят прий­ти как можно рань­ше.

I will be invited to the party. – Я буду при­гла­шён на ве­че­рин­ку.

I will be deceived! – Я буду об­ма­нут!

Фраза is going to + гла­гол, с по­мо­щью ко­то­рой также часто го­во­рят о бу­ду­щем, пре­вра­ща­ет­ся в is going to be + гла­гол*:

The work is going to be done by Tuesday. – Ра­бо­та будет сде­ла­на ко втор­ни­ку.

The cake is going to be baked in the morning. – Пирог будет ис­пе­чён утром.

My hair is going to be cut. – Мои во­ло­сы будут по­стри­же­ны.

Когда нужно ска­зать, «кем» или «чем» со­вер­ше­но дей­ствие, ис­поль­зу­ем пред­ло­ги by (кем) и with (чем).

The fish is caught by the seagull. – Рыба пой­ма­на чай­кой.

We were warned by a policeman. – Мы были пре­ду­пре­жде­ны по­ли­цей­ским.

The door will be locked with another key. – Дверь будет за­кры­та дру­гим клю­чом.

The paper is cut with the knife. – Бу­ма­га раз­ре­за­на ножом.

Чтобы за­дать во­прос, вы­но­сим am / is / are / was / were / will на пер­вое место.

Were you told to come in the morning? – Тебе было ска­за­но прий­ти утром?

Are the mistakes corrected? – Ошиб­ки ис­прав­ле­ны?

Was he injured? – Был он ранен?

Is the bench painted? – Ска­мей­ка окра­ше­на?

Will I be invited to the party? – Буду ли я при­гла­шен на ве­че­рин­ку?

Is my hair going to be cut? – Мои во­ло­сы будут по­стри­же­ны?

Эти три формы пас­сив­но­го за­ло­га встре­ча­ют­ся в речи чаще всего. Осталь­ные можно услы­шать го­раз­до реже. Для удоб­ства они све­де­ны в таб­ли­цу.

4,8(94 оценок)
When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make right choice of a job. You can start a working career go into business or continue schooling to receive a higher education. There is one institute or a few institutes is nearly every Russian city. There are dozens of them in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If you want to get a professional training you can enter a technical college. There are over 2000 professions to choose and make a decision. It is a dilemma for all family. Fathers usually wants their children to follow their footsteps. Mothers don’t want their sons and daughters to leave the native town. So they persuade kids to enter local colleges and universities. Because of the wide difference in jobs, you should find out all you can about any job which interests you. This can be done by going to the library and by reading widely, and also by talking to adults who have different kinds of jobs. You also need to think about how well you can do what you would like to do. Some follow their parents advice and some follow their own choice. To make the right choice you should consider your traits and characters. To become a good doctor you must be patient, easygoing and kind/ The teacher’s work requires love for children, profound knowledge of subjects and the ability to explain. Detective’s job is very stressful. He must be brave, fair and strong. A couple of years ago I wanted to become a doctor. I thought it was a very noble profession. I was good at biology at the 8 and 9 forms. I wanted to help people who had problems with their health. I know that a doctor should be noble in work and life, kind and attentive to people, honest and prudent. A doctor who is selfish and dishonest can’t be good at his profession. I tried to do my best to develop good traits in myself. Now I have already decided what to do. I’d like to be a teacher. I know that it is very difficult to be a good teacher. You should know perfectly the subject you teach, you must be well-educated and well-informed. A good teacher develops in his students a desire for knowledge and love for truth and beauty. Teaching must be the greatest of all the arts. It is a great responsibility to educate the children. I think that’s the reason why teachers are deeply respected. More and more people realize that every educated person should know a foreign language. That is why I’m going to become an English teacher. I liked English when we first started learning it is still my favourite subject. I will try to enter the department of foreign languages at the University. You study 5 years at Russian universities. After your final exams you are a qualified teacher of English. University education is deep and many-sided. Some students like a post-graduate course to follow an academic career. Most university graduates take up teaching and return to school. I know that a teacher’s job is quite difficult. A teacher can’t say that he knows everything in his field. He goes on learning his subject during all his career to be able to answer any question. He should be an example of competence. So choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things, any person does in his lifetime. If we don’t think about the future, we won’t have one.
4,6(32 оценок)
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