1 Don't forget to...
when you've finished.
a) click on b) take off c) log off
3 I used to love Indie music, but then I...
a) went off
b) got on
c) logged off
I ...lots of different outfits, but I didn't
like any of them.
a) tried off b) dressed up c) tried on
5 You have to...
your shoes when you go
a) log off b) take off c) dress down
6 He's nearly forty. It's about time he...
a) settled down b) went off c) got on
Can you...
I can't read what it says at
the bottom of the screen.
a) scroll ons b) scroll over c) scroll down
8 I don't like going into bars on my own. I'm worried
someone will try to...
a) get on with me b) chat me up
c) settle down with me
It all stands for development of technologies. The better techs we have, the quicker it develops. Moreover, we need to make a point on lifestyle change, just image peasant from Dark Ages planning his vacation trip to Miami! Hilarious? Isn't it? But why? Indeed it's a good question that makes you think. Today, people have freedom of choice, as Winston Churchill once said "We are free to choose our slavery". Quite rude but precisely describes modern community. Today, people have technologies, it's our small step to make the nature obey to mankind. Of course, sometimes people are dumb in their will, and sometimes this nature control get's out of control, and we face up with new 'funny' thing - ecology issues.
So far, so good, we've determined that mankind have techs and freedom, those are 2 factors that completely change our life.