My favourite hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was five. My mother was a great teacher in my childhood, she always encouraged me and praised my funny drawings Drawing brings me real satisfaction. It is my own little world. And I hope one day it will help me . I practiced in making them realistic and natural. My hobby made me observe the world around me every minute of my life. Drawing brings me real satisfaction. It is my own little world. And I hope one day it will help me to focus on my goal and become a graphic designer.
BBC и многое другое. В телевизоре есть и хорошее и плохое. Например, по телевизору детям показывают мультики, с телезрителями делают зарядку и учат разные языки мира. А для взрослых есть боевики, сериалы или всякие кулинарные каналы. Для меня есть каналы, которые развивают мозг. Вот чем полезен телевизор. А также там есть многое другое, что нельзя смотреть детям. Eще один минус: не засиживайтесь перед телевизором.
BBC and many other things. Your TV has both good and bad. For example, on TV children are shown the cartoons, with viewers they do exercises and learn various languages. And for the adults there are the militants, serials or different cooking channels. For me there are channels which develop my brains. Here is that by what TV is useful. And there are many things which must not be watched by the children. And one another drawback: do not linger in front of the TV.
This text had been translated by her yesterday by 6 o'clock.