Наша бабушка – уважаемый человек. она ветеран войны и труда. у нее есть много наград за самоотверженный труд в годы великой отечественной войны. интересно слушать бабушку, когда она рассказывает о военных годах. наша бабушка добрая и никогда не сердится. our grandmother is a respected person. she's a veteran of war and labor. she has many awards for selfless labour during the great patriotic war. interesting to listen to grandma when she talks about the war years. our grandmother is very kind and never gets angry
1. My book is lying on the table now. 2. They are working now. 3. The doctor and her patient are talking now. 4. We are cooking dinner now. My mother is making a salad now. 5. A young man is driving a car now. He is listening music now. 6. My grandfather is reading a book now. 7. The pen is lying on the floor now. 8. Are you having a break? 9. She still is singing.
Упражнения 2. 1. We are writing now. 2. They are reading now. 3. She isn't working. 4. Are you watching it? 5. He isn't reading. 6. They aren't playing on the piano. 7. I'm not baking a cake 8. She isn't singing. 9. Her sister isn't sleeping. 10. Isn't grandmother drinking a tea? 11. Are your friends drinking tea? 12. She is working at the table. 13. I am writing a letter 14. I am doing an exercise. 15. The boys aren't swimming in swimming pool.