1 Many old castles used to have torture chambers.
2 As the wind blew the leaves made a rustling sound.
3 The Kraken would create a violent whirlpool to pull ships down to the bottom of the sea.
4 Cubist paintings often have dull colours.
5 Every culture has stories of mythical creatures.
6 Nessie could be a dinosaur that somehow survived.
7 We caught a glimpse of a weird-looking creature hiding in the bushes.
8 Sightings of strange creatures have been reported by people all over the world.
9 People who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical illusion.
10 Nessie has a long neck and a humped back.
1 Во многих старых замках были камеры пыток.
2 Когда дул ветер, листья шуршали.
3 Кракен создавал ужасный водоворот, затягивать корабли на дно моря.
4 Картины кубистов зачастую были выполнены тусклыми красками.
5 В каждой культуре есть истории о мифических существах.
6 Несси мог быть динозавром, который каким-то образом выжил.
7 Мы поймали взгляд странно выглядящего создания, прятавшегося в кустах.
8 Люди со всего мира рассказывали о наблюдениях за странными существами.
9 Те люди, которые видят одну картинку внутри другой, испытывают оптическую иллюзию.
10 У Несси длинная шея и горбатая спина.
The first US president known to all Americans as "the father of the nation" was George Washington.He was born in Virginia into a planter's family.When he was 11 his father died.The family had a lot of land but not enough money to send George to school in England as rich families used to do at that time.George learned to ride a horse,to hunt,shoot,sail and swim.George Washington began his career in the service of his county as a major in Virginia militia and later became Commander in Chief of Colonial Army during Revolutionary war.He was among those who wrote the US Constitution in Philadelphia.People respected him for his wisdom and honesty.After the war George wanted to retire and live at Mount Vernon where he had a beautiful house and a big platation.On April 30, 1789,before a large crowd Washington promised to preserve,protect and defend the Constitution of USA.This is how GW became the first President of the contry and served 2 terms.He refused a 3rd term and in 1797 he retired to Mount Vernon where he died 2 years later