1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 b
7 a
8 a
9 enjoy the beauty
10 collection
11 34,000/ thirty-four thousand
12 glass
13 different countries
14 (grandfather) clock
15 Alexander I/ Alexander the First
16 plates and vases
17 the goddess Flora
18 rooms
19 c
20 e
21 a
22 d
23 f
24 b
25 a
26 a
27 c
28 b
29 b
30 a
31 (a) champion
32 (the) rules
33 (the most) important
34 (to) spread
35 (to) hold
36 (a) record
37 to
38 V
39 which/ that
40 the
41 on
42 a/ the
43 to
44 V
45 of
46 their/ the
47 the
48 V
49 because
50 misunderstanding
51 listener/ listeners
52 concentration
53 effectively
54 tendency
55 readily
56 fully
57 politeness
58 relationships
59 essential
60 plain
61 bar
62 excuse
63 stories
64 (a) bear
65 read
66 a towel
67 a river
68 a comb
There is no place in the world where you will not find people who are not engaged in sport activities. Practicing physical activity, people become healthy, keep fit, make themselves more organized and become more disciplined. Many people take exercises to improve their health, and some people do it to become professionals.
The cause of many diseases is a passive way of living of people. There even exists an English proverb: ”A sound mind in a sound body”. And it is a reason, why it is never too late to start doing sport, as such people are really strong and happy. And many people are really fond of active lifestyle, so you can see them in the morning and in the evening, in the parks, in stadiums and streets.
People who are engaged in physical activity are not only strong and healthy but in addition, everyone can get a lot of fun and emotions for themselves from it. There are various types of sports: tennis, table tennis, ski jumping, skiing, athletics, football, swimming, hockey, basketball, volleyball and many others.
Football, volleyball and basketball are the most popular and there are many stadiums and gyms for these kinds of games. Children are especially fond of sport. They have so much energy and it is especially interesting for them to play some games. That’s why they visit different sections and take part in competitions, trying to become professionals.
Many people, who want to be healthy do gymnastics every morning, wash themselves with cold water and finish their day with a walk. These exercises help them to be full of energy and feel lively the whole day.
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