Составить предложения на английском языке во времени Present Perfect со следующими выражениями : fall out With, get an education, help With, speak about
Hello my dear friend. i'm in england. i will be here for a week. i want to say that there is a very beautiful and unusual. tomorrow i'll go to watch england attractions. this big ben, the albert dock in liverpool, the albert hall, westminster, york cathedral, stonehenge stones. i want a week to see all the sights anglii.zavtra go shopping to buy your souvenirs. you bring english tea, jam and london cap. pope bring cheese blue stilton.mame makeup and a nice dress. and his little sister teddy bear. do not forget to meet me at the airport. do not be sad without me, i'll come soon. bye .
1. There are three letters on the table. - На столе 3 письма.
2. There is a policeman in the car. - В машине находится полицейский.
3. There are two bottles of milk in the fridge. - В холодильнике есть три бутылки молока.
4. There are three nice arm-chairs in the room . - В комнате три изящных кресла.
5. There is a new coat in the wardrobe. - В гардеробе новое пальто.
6. There is a modern tape-recorder in that car. - В этой машине современная магнитола.
7. There are two bicycles in the yard. - Во дворе 2 велосипеда.
8. There is a big sandwich on the table. - На столе стоит тарелка с большим сендвичем.
9. There is a dry flower in the book. - В этой книге есть гербарий.