14. The prisoners were ordered to stand up. = Заключенным приказали встать.
15. Preparations are being made by our friends to meet a delegation. = Сейчас проводятся приготовления к встрече делегации.
16. I was recommeded to another doctor. = Мне порекомендовали другого врача.
17. The room was dusted carefully. = Комната была тщательно прибрана.
18. By the time the director came the letter had been typed. = К тому времени, как пришел директор, письмо уже было отпечатано.
19. The patient is being examined by the doctor at the moment. = Сейчас пациент осматривается врачом.
20. The dinner will be served at 3 o’clock. = Обед будет накрыт в 3 часа.
21. His friends have been invited to dinner. = Его друзей пригласили на обед.
22. All the advertisements were looked through by us very attentively. = Все объявления были нами внимательно просмотрены.
23. The window has just been broken by my little son. = Это окно было только что разбито моим маленьким сыном.
24. All the dry leaves were gathered by the gardener yesterday. = Все сухие листья были собраны вчера садовником.
25. The stranger were requested to leave the meeting. = Незнакомца попросили покинуть собрание.
26. My uncle has been made a captain. = Моего дядю назначили капитаном.
27. Ann is being shown how to bath a baby now. = Анне сейчас показывают, как мыть новорожденного.
28. He was refused a passport by the authority. = Ему было отказано в паспорте властями.
29. The milk has just been spilt by the child. = Молоко только что пролито ребенком.
30. This picture was painted by a great artist. = Эта картина была написана великим художником.
31. His mistake will be forgiven. = Его ошибка будет прощена.
32. The bicycle is being mended by my grandfather now. = Велосипед сейчас ремонтируется моим дедушкой.
33. The stolen car has been found by the police in the forest. = Украденная машина была обнаружена полицией в лесу.
34. The bridge was built last year. = Мост был построен в году.
35. The tickets have been booked yet. = Билеты уже заказаны.
36. The dishes are washed every day. = Посуду моют каждый день.
37. The city was attacked by the enemies. = Город был атакован врагами.
38. Some trees are being planted by the pupuls in the garden. = В саду сейчас сажают несколько деревьев.
39. The excursion was organized by the guide well. = Экскурсия была хорошо организована гидом.
40. This man was punished for something he hadn’t done. = Этот человек был наказан за то, что он не совершал.
Walt Disney is a great animator
Everybody loves cartoons, both children and adults. Each of us knows such cartoons as "Bears Gammy", "Chip and Dale", "Little Mermaid", "Duck stories", "Adventures of Mickey Mouse". These cartoon characters have become fond of many children, and were remembered for their kindness, bright colors and cheerful character. This wonderful and colorful world of fairy tales was presented to us by the great animator Walt Disney. Later, together with his brother Roy, he founded the Disney Company, which became the leading producer of cartoons, films and children programs. The company has existed for 90 years, and is also involved in the opening of various attractions, water parks, and television companies.
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