ответHello friend! today was my birthday and it was wonderful we ate cake and played different games and at the end of the holiday released firecrackers. I really liked the gifts. I was given an encyclopedia ball and tablet that I was very happy, that's how my birthday went the day was very fun I hope you had a good day today too friend bye!
привет друг! сегодня мой день рождения и он был замечательным мы ели торт и играли в разные игры а в конце праздника выпустили хлопушки. мне очень понравились подарки. Мне подарили энциклопедию мяч и планшет чему я был очень рад, вот так и мой день рождения день был очень весёлым надеюсь у тебя сегодня тоже был хороший день друг пока!
1. I saw a lot of Russian cartoons.
What Russian cartoons did you see?
2. We visited a lot of museums.
What museums did you visit ?
3. We were on exciting excursions.
Where was these excursions?
4 I used some rides in Gorky Park
When did you use some rides in Gorky Park?
(точно не знаю,как будет кататься на аттракционах)
5. I know how to cook some traditional Russian food
What traditional Russian food can you cook?
6 I bought a lot of souvenirs in the Detsky Mir Shop.
What souvenirs did you buy in the Detsky Mir Shop ?
hi, this was a cool birthday party for my birthday. All my friends came for my birthday and gave a lot of presents. Now we have new headphones, a cool phone and a cool book about animals. We all ate cake and drank lemonade, it was cool