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k in pairs. Read and put in order. e.g. 1b
UNIT 12 The world
a Heggy's mother told them, "Don't C They saw that the
take a stick and a stone, but hedgehogs in the
smile at the hedgehogs in the
water smiled at
water." Heggy and Chamby went
them too! Heggy
back to the river, looked at the and Chamby were
hedgehogs and smiled at them. happy.
b Last Sunday Heggy and Chamby d They had a stone and a lo
wanted to go to the Blue Forest. stick too! Heggy and Chamby ran
The Blue Forest was near the back home.
river. Chamby told Heggy, "There's e Heggy and Chamby took a stone
a hedgehog in the river. He's and a stick. In the water they
saw two hedgehogs.
ost. I
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