There are different points of view according to pocket money.
Some people say that it is good when parents give pocket money. The main reason for giving pocket money is to help children learn to manage money while they are young. Pocket money can help children feel that they are important members of the family. It helps children to make choices. And parents stop giving pocket money if child has done something wrong.
But some parents say that it is bad to give pocket money to a child. They think that they are too young and they can buy something bad – alcohol, much sweet, cigarettes. So in some families children are given what they ask for and do not get pocket money.
As for me my parents give me pocket money once a week. I can buy a cake or I can go to the cinema or can save them to buy something expensive. I think it is good to give pocket money but only when parents see that their child is responsible for his actions.
1. You are on a train. Ask someone you don't know to close the window
- Do you mind of opening the window?
- No, I don't.
- Could you help me because I don't know how to do it.
- Sorry, I'm afraid. I can't.
- But why? Why not?
- Because of my fingerache. I've broken it.
- Oh, awful! It's a pity.
- You have to ask someone else.
- Of course, I have. It's terribly hot. What can we do?
- Let's try to look for somebody who will be able really to help...
3. You see your middle-aged neighbour in the street. Ask him/her to post a letter for you
- How do you do, Nina Vasilievna?
- I'm fine, thanks. What about you?
- Thanrs, fine.
- What can I do for you?
- Would you post a letter for me, I have no time, I have to go to meet my little sister after her classes.
- With a pleasure. Whom have you written a letter?
- To my elder brother.
- Isn't he at home?
- Oh, no. He has left to Moscow to enter the university.
- Well, give me your letter. I must go.
- Thank you very much.
- Never mind.