6 I've bought a beautiful dress. 7 Can you play the guitar? 8 What a lovely song! 9 Is this paper yours? No. It is Kate's paper. 10 Would you like a cup of tea? 11 Our train leaves from platform 126. 12 The sky outside the window was already dark , secretaries went home, all was quite. 13 We'll have more time the next time. 14 Simon's been rather a difficult person to get along with. 15 Look out! There is a dangerous bend in the road. 16 I tell you, he is as brave as a man can reasonasbly be. 17 This is the front room. The ceiling and the walls need decorating, but the floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with the carpet. 18 We have seen what the Earth looks like from the Moon.
1 Kazbek is the highest peak of the Caucasus. 2 The Alps are covered with snow.. 3 Shetland Islands are situated to the north of Great Britain. 4 The USA is the largest country in America. 5 Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. 6 The Crimea is washed by the Black Sea. 7 Paris is the capital of France. 8 The Nile flows the northeast part of America to the Mediterranean Sea. 9 The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 10 Alska is the largest and coldest state in the USA. 11 Seina flows though Paris to the Atlantic Ocean. 12 The Sahara is the greatest desert in North Africa, extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile.
1 The British who live in towns like to go to the country for weekends , don't they? 2 English women don't spend much time on cooking, do they? 3 He didn't expect to see pegeon racing in English, did he? 4 the Weish are considered to be emotional and cheerful., ren't they? 5 Waiting for service many Russians like to jump the queue , don't they?
1 Британцам, которые живут в городах нравится выезжать за город в выходные, не так ли? 2 англичанки не тратят много времени на приготовление пищи, не так ли? 3 Он не ожидал увидеть голубиные гонки в Англии, не так ли? 4 Weish эмоциональный и веселый, не так ли? 5 В ожидании обслуживания многие россияне хотели пройти без очереди, не так ли?