Linda got an invitation card while she was playing volleyball at the sport centre. Линда получила приглашение, когда играла в волейбол в спортивном центре.
Marie got an invitation card while she was writing a letter at home. Mэри получила приглашение, когда писала письмо дома.
Pam got an invitation card while she was reading a book.
Пэм получила приглашение, когда читала книгу.
Stuart got an invitation card while he was feeding his cat.
Стюарт получил приглашение, когда кормил своего кота.
Tom got an invitation card while he was playing with his dog.
Том получил приглашение, когда играл со своей собакой.
Luc got an invitation card while he was listening to a CD.
Люк получил приглашение, когда он слушал CD.
Marc got an invitation card while he was taking photos with his a camera. Марк получил пригласительную открытку, когда он делал снимки своим фотоаппаратом.
In the modern world, the issue of the rights of prisoners is widely debated. And this is not about basic rights for this category of people, but about the right to a completely civilized life in prison. For example, in the UK, in many prisons, gymnasiums were built, libraries were opened. Convicts in English prisons are engaged in physical labor, are trained in certain types of crafts, for example, sewing clothes, construction of buildings, carpentry, laundry, agricultural labor, gardening.Convicts in the UK can improve their educational level. So for juvenile offenders who have not yet finished school, 15 hours a week required. Adult offenders may receive voluntary education basis. Prisoners are even given the opportunity to prepare for exams at the Open University (correspondence education system).The purpose of these programs is to help the convict find work when he is released. Such an attitude towards a person who has violated the law is very important in the light of the rehabilitation of the identity of the offender (which means adapting him to the conditions of life in society among law-abiding citizens). One of the reasons for the existence of recidivism is that, having been released, a person is faced with a hostile attitude of society. The acquisition of skills that will be useful to a person who has served a prison sentence upon his release to freedom reduces the likelihood that he will again become a criminal way.