Мой любимый актер - Джонни Депп. Он известный американский актер. У него есть
много наград и звезд на Аллее славы в Голливуде. Jhonny
Депп родился 9 июня 1963 года в США. Его отец был строителем
а его мать была официанткой. Джонни Депп - единственный актер, который на
На счету три фильма заработали более миллиарда долларов. Он играл
заглавная роль в фильме «Пираты Карибского моря» и в фильмах Тима Бертона. я
думаю, что он великий актер. Увлечения Деппа включают чтение, игру на гитаре и рисование
5 - 9 классы Английский язык 5+3 б
My favourite actor is Jhonny Depp. He is a famous American actor. He has
a lot of awards and star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Jhonny
Depp was born 9 june in 1963 in the USA. His father was a builder
and his mother was a waitress. Johnny Depp - the only actor who on the
account three films have earned over a billion dollars. He played the
title role in Pirates of Caribbean sea and in the films of Tim Burton. I
think he is great actor.Depp's hobbies include reading, playing guitar, and painting
Объяснение:если хочешь могу перевести
while the tallest tower in the world is in the United Arab Emirates, in Dubai. The Burj Dubai opened its doors in January 2010. The grand opening was timed to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the assumption of office of Muhammad bin Rashed Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and at the same time the vice president and prime minister of the UAE.
The six-star Armani Hotel is located on the first eight floors of the tower. The owner of the popular brand, the designer Giorgio Armani, was personally involved in its design. In the hotel you can find spa salons, several restaurants and a night club. 900 luxury apartments occupy the remaining floors until the 108th. The cost of each ranges from 600 thousand euros to 11 million. Another 38 floors were occupied by restaurants and office premises. Among other things, the Burj Dubai has a gym and a night club. And in the tower, which is located above the main building, there are tons of telecommunication equipment. The highest tower in the world conceals the highest swimming pool - you can swim on the 76th floor, the highest observation deck - on the 124th, as well as a mosque on the 158th floor.
1) it is in Dubai
2) The tower is made of the most modern materials.
3)looks like a huge rocket
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