Сделать вопросы ниже задачи.Задать и ответить на вопрос партнера.Пример:выяснить, где ваш партнер провел свои последние летние каникулы.Ты:где ты провел свои последние летние каникулы?●узнайте, где ваш партнер провел свои последние летние каникулы.●Узнайте если вы партнер любит путешествовать.●Выясните, есть ли ваш партнер был за границей.●узнайте, сколько городов ваш партнер посетил.●узнайте любимой стране вашего партнера.●выяснить, если ваш партнер укачало.●узнайте, какой транспорт ваш партнер предпочитает.
1.We are writing now. 2. They are not reading now. 3.She is not working now. 4. Are you watching now? 5. He is not reading. 6. They are not playing the piano. 7. I am not making a cake now. 8. She is not singing now. 9. Her sister is not sleeping. 10. Is Granny not drinking tea? 11. Are your friends drinking coffee? 12. She is working at the desk. 13. I am writing a letter. 14. I am doing an exercise. 15. The boys are not swimming in the swimming-pool. 16. Are they playing football? 17. My sister is washing the floor. 18.My friend is helping her child. 19. Are you helping your father? 20. The pupils are reading an interesting story.
ответ: 1) were doing 2) was chatting 3) were doing 4) were cooking 5) was not watching, was reading