Твоя сестра может провести больше часов за компьютером, из-за своей школьной работы. Если она старше тебя, у нее может быть больше трудных домашних заданий. Тебе следует поговорить с родителями и со своей сестрой. Скажи своим родителям, что ты чувствуешь. Они могут не знать о том, что твоя сестра проводит больше времени за компом, или они могут думать, что это справедливо. Компьютеры интересны и легко забыть о времени, когда ты в интернете или за игрой. Некоторые семьи покупают таймер. Тогда все члены семьи имеют лимит компьютерного времени.
1. I asked him if his friend lived here. 2. He asked a man if he was waiting. 3. Nick asked his friend if he would stay at his sister`s. 4. He asked me if I often saw my relatives. 5. They asked me if i would see my brother before I leave. 6. Mike asked Jane if dhe would come to the station to saw him off. 7. She asked her if she had sent the telegram. 8. We asked them if they had bought this car the day before. 9. I asked my daughter if she had packed her suitcase yet. 10. I asked Kate if anybody had met her.
ответ: By the end of the year our neighbours bought a new car
Neighbours bought new car our year
2. My colleagues called me by the afternoon
Colleagues called to me by the afternoon?
3. We finished a big project by the end of the month
End of the month we finished big project?
4. I translated an article by the evening
Article translated by me the evening?