в первом ответ «В» т.к,в тексте говорится о том,насколько поменялась казахская мода,во втором ответ «В» потому-что в тексте не говорится о том,насколько дороги представленные вещи
1. Моя история такая же. 2. Они вам в решении этой проблемы. Не волнуйся! 3. Она набрала несколько писем и была готова отправить их. общий 1. Is my story the same? 2. Will they help you with the problem? 3. Did she type several mails and was ready to post them? специальный 1. Whose story is the same? 2. Who will they help with the problem? 3. What did she do? альтернативный 1. Is my story the same or not? 2. Will they help you or him with the problem? 3. Did she type several mails or just one? разделительный 1. My story is the same, isn't it? 2. They will help you with the problem, won’t they? 3. She typed several mails and was ready to post them, didn't she?
1. a) Общий: Do children seldom like to do their homework? b) Альтернативный: Do children seldom like to do their homework or no? с) Спец.: How often do children like to do their homework? d) Разделит.: Children seldom like to do their homework, don't they?
2. a) Общий: Were your parents very busy on Sunday? b) Альтернативный: Were your parents very busy or no on Sunday? c) Спец.: When were your parents very busy? d) Разделит.: Your parents were busy on Sunday, weren't they?
в первом ответ «В» т.к,в тексте говорится о том,насколько поменялась казахская мода,во втором ответ «В» потому-что в тексте не говорится о том,насколько дороги представленные вещи