Закончи микродиалоги подходящими по смыслу фразами.
1. - a dessert? 2. - to order, Sir?
- Yes, I want some ice cream, please. - Yes, I’ll have the steak, please.
3. - May I have the menu, please? 4. - Would you like ?
- . - Yes, I’ll have a glass of Cola.
5. - me to dinner.
- Oh, you’re welcome!
Are you ready Do you want anything to drink
Here you are Thanks for inviting
1- A pet shop, 2- a sweet shop, 3-a hardware store, 4- a travel agency, 5- a jeweller’s 6- a toy shop, 7- a dairy, 8- a butcher’s, 9- a newsagent, 10- a florist, 12- an optican’s, 13- a stationery, 14- a fishmonger, 15- a bakery, 16- a record shop, 17- a chemist, 18- a book shop, 19 – a shoe shop.
Ex. 6.
1-buy, 2- window, 3.-grocer’s, 4- baker’s, 5- butcher’s, 6- greengrocer’s, 7- shoe shop, 8- bookshop, 9- jeweller’s, 10- price, 11 – bill, 12- cash desk, 13- wraps up, 14- departments, 15- salesman, 16-goods, 17- self-service, 18- shoplifting