Ilike spring because the weather is fine. it usually rain in the autumn. winter is cold and snowy. this summer was very hot. there are a lot of snow in winter. if it rain we take an umbrella. the temperature in summer above zero. the trees are red and yellow in autumn. 2. the forecast the weather in the usa. 2. 1)wrong 2)wrong 3)right 4)right. 3. не понятно вообще что надо делать 4.1)summer 2)the trees and the grass are green in spring,and there are a lot of flowers. 3)if the weather will be hot,we will go for a walk. 4)i m going to wath the tv
My name is aleksandr. i am .. years old. i am a student. i study at college. our college occupies one building. it runs full-time and correspondence departments. our college runs on several specialties: * finance * marketing * valuation * accounting and audit * computer engineering and software * management * economics * architecture our studies begin at 8 o'clock. usually we have six hours a day. we have two lunch breaks and during the breaks we take our meals at our canteen. there is a gym and a library with a reading-hall on the groung floor. our library contains a lot of textbooks and fiction. our college corridors are adorned with flowers and decoration items. every day we attend lectures and have practice. we try to do well because we want to become good specialists. the director of our college is [имя] [фамилия]. we like our college very much and we are proud of it. перевод: меня зовут александр. мне .. лет. я студент. я учусь в колледже. наш колледж занимает одно здание. он ведет обучение на очном и заочном отделении. наш колледж обучает по нескольким специальностям: * финансы * маркетинг * оценка * учет и аудит * компьютерная техника и программное обеспечение * менеджмент * * архитектура наша учеба начинается с 8 часов. обычно мы имеем шесть часов в день. у нас есть два обеденный перерыва и во время перерывов мы кушаем в нашей столовой. у нас есть тренажерный зал и библиотека с читальным залом на первом этаже. наша библиотека содержит много учебников и художественной . наши коридоры колледжа украшены цветами и декоративные элементы. каждый день мы посещаем лекции и имеем практику. мы стараемся делать хорошо, потому что мы хотим стать хорошими специалистами. директор нашего колледжа [имя] [фамилия]. нам нравится наш колледж и мы гордимся этому.
Passive voice is a typical feature for a technical text. Paraphrase the
sentences using the passive voice.
The oil industry leaders outlined their support for the accord and highlighted
the country’s extensive energy trade With Canada and Mexico.
The supparffar the accord was outlined, and the caumry’s extensive energy
trade wiIh Canada and Alexico was highlighted,
1. The industry continues to develop the use of artificial intelligence and other
digital technologies to increase efficiencies and make more infonned
exploration decisions.
2. BP discovered a revolutionary technique in seismic imaging that helps the
company more accurately find natural gas and oil underground.
3. BP can more efficiently find natural gas and oil, reducing environmental
impact of exploration and potentially slashing energy costs for consumers.
4. ExxonMobil has spent approximately $8 billion researching biofuels, carbon
capture and storage, energy—effieieney processes, natural gas technologies.
5. GlobalData expects that 130 new crude and natural gas projects Will start
operations in Asia over the next eight years.
6. Global Wire Rope Industry report also includes Wire Rope Upstream raw
materials and Wire Rope downstream consumers analysis.
7. Another trend Mr van Veluw highlighted is how much power a crane uses,
and the growing use of electric cranes.
8. Electrically—driven cranes are environmentally fliendly because they don’t
require the use of potentially polluting hydraulics.
9. Mr Ryan first