1. A giraffe is an animal that lives in Africa and has a long neck.
2. It was a wonderful day: the sky was blue. the sun was shining, the sea looked warm and calm the world was a great place to live in.
3. We have a new history teacher. The teacher arrived only last week.
4. -Which of the two dictionaries are you going to buy?- I like the dictionary …..
5. -Where did you pick these lovely flowers? - In the forest.
6. Can I speak to Olga, please? - Sorry, you've got the wrong number.
7. I'm planning to go to college after I leave school.
8. How long can a human stay and work in space.
9. What's on television tonight? (What's on the telly tonight?)
10. If Robin doesn't get better, he'll have to be taken to hospital.
11. They've just built a nice new school near our house.
12. Dad is at work till 6.30. Could you call later, please?
13. What a shame we rnissed the train! The next one leaves only at ten.
14. George likes to have a swim in the morning before breakfast.
15. How was the party? Did you have a good time?
1. As soon as little Michelle take to hospital her ankle the X-ray plates were given the doctor. He examined her ankle thoroughly and decided that it had to be put a plaster (THITc) at once. Although her ankle was painful, she did not cry and everybody said how brave the girl was. Now Michelle's ankle gradually was getting better and the doctor just told her mother that he would be able to take off the plaster next Monday. She would be sent home if everything was all right.
2. One morning last week I realized that my bike had been stolen from my garden. I phoned the police and two officers came to my house the next day. I was asked if I had seen or heard anything. I told them I had been out that evening, and had not noticed anything suspicious when I had returned home. Before the police left they told me that I would be informed as soon as the bike would be found. However, there was a happy ending to this story. In the evening I was phoned by a friend of mine. "By the way," she said, "if you need your bike, I will bring back this afternoon. I borrowed it a couple of days ago".
1. Как только маленькую Мишель забрали в больницу лодыжкой, врачу дали рентгеновские снимки. Он тщательно осмотрел ее лодыжки и решил, что необходимо немедленно наложить гипс. Хотя ее лодыжки болели, она не плакала, и все говорили, как смелая девочка она была. Сейчас лодыжки Мишель постепенно заживали, и доктор сказал её матери, что он сможет снять гипс в следующий понедельник. Она отправится домой, если всё будет хорошо.
2. Однажды утром на неделе я понял, что мой велик украли из моего сада. Я позвонил в полицию, и два сотрудника пришли ко мне в дом на следующий день. Меня спросили, или я видел или слышал что-нибудь. Я сказал им, что меня вечером не было дома, и я не заметил ничего подозрительного, когда вернулся домой. Перед тем как уехать они (полиция) сказали, что сообщат мне, как только велосипед будет найден. Однако, у этой истории был счастливый конец. Вечером мне позвонила моя подруга. "Кстати, - сказала она, - Если тебе нужен твой велосипед, я верну его тебе после обеда. Я одолжила его пару дней назад".
George is driving very fast at the moment.
He isn't learning Russian now
Is it snowing?
They are walking in the park
Sophie isn't eating berries
Is mother vacuum-cleaning?
Jenny is writing a postcard
My friends aren't swimming in the swimming-pool
My mother is listening to music
Is Kevin working?