On the team we take salyanku potato, carrot , tomato paste , oil, cabbage, meat, onion, salt , spices . Chopped meat put in the stewpot, pour oil and put into chopped carrot and onion in stewpot sprinkle with spices and deep fried to a desired result . When the meat is well done add chopped potatoes and 4-5 pieces of chopped cabbage . I add some salt to taste , then if necessary you can add tomato paste
1. high - higher - the highest
2. small - smaller - the smallest
3. large - larger - the largest
4. heavy - heavier - the heaviest
5. new - newer - the newest
6. interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
7. beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
8. difficult - more difficult - the most difficult
9. creative - more creative - the most creative
10. careful - more careful - the most careful
11. bad - worse - the worst
12. many - more - the most
13. good - better - the best
14. little - less - the least