1. You mustn't make so much noise. Mother is tired. I know she is trying to 2. We must try and get up earlier tomorrow. Otherwise we'll be late sleep again. 3. Tell your uncle that he mustn't do your homework 4. Please remember that it's a secret. You mustn't tell anyone. 5. I mustn't eat too much. I'm on a diet. 6. I know I must lead a regular life, but I simply can not. 7. I mustn't wear this hat again. I look ridiculous in it 8. I mustn't invite so many people to my party again. There were too many of them. 9. You mustn't tell a lie again, Freddie. It's wrong. 10. You mustn't play here. A street is not a playground.
Каньон Антилопы (англ. Antelope Canyon) — каньон, расположенный на юго-западе США[1], на севере Аризоны, рядом с городом Пэйдж, неподалеку от границы с Ютой, в 240 км от Великого Колорадского Каньона. Каньон получил своё название, благодаря рыже-красным стенам, напоминающим шкуру антилопы. Каньон Антилопы не является национальным парком и вероятно, поэтому не известен так широко как Великий Каньон или каньон Брайс. Он лежит на землях племени Навахо и принадлежит индейцам этого племени. Чтобы попасть туда, нужно заплатить пошлину за проход по индейской территории и нанять проводника.
2. We must try and get up earlier tomorrow. Otherwise we'll be late sleep again.
3. Tell your uncle that he mustn't do your homework
4. Please remember that it's a secret. You mustn't tell anyone.
5. I mustn't eat too much. I'm on a diet.
6. I know I must lead a regular life, but I simply can not.
7. I mustn't wear this hat again. I look ridiculous in it
8. I mustn't invite so many people to my party again. There were too many of them.
9. You mustn't tell a lie again, Freddie. It's wrong.
10. You mustn't play here. A street is not a playground.