The ideal room would be modern and comfortable for me. I also would like it to be made in tranquil colors.
It would have a compact bed, bookcases, a wardrobe and a desk with boxes and a laptop on it. I also would like some cool posters on the walls. My favourite photos and books would be placed on shelves.
I could relax in this room but doing some homework as well (д/з ведь имеется ввиду?). That's why there will (or would be) always be clean.
Моя идеальная комната была бы современной и комфортной для меня самой(-ого).
В ней бы стояла небольшая кровать, книжные шкафчики, гардероб (или шкаф с вещами) и письменный стол с полочками и ноутбуком. На стене хотелось бы иметь несколько классных постеров. Любимые фотографии и книги лежали бы на полках стола.
В этой комнате я бы могла (мог) расслабиться или поработать на домашним заданием. Поэтому, здесь всегда будет (или было бы) чисто.
My ideal school. I think that lessons should be amusing and entertaining. The teachers shoud be strict, but understanding. It should be cosily in an ideal school. And the desks should be slanted for comfortable writing. In an ideal school, pupils can choose additional lessons like astronomy, drawing lessons and so on. The lessons start at 9:30 am and last for 40 minutes. But only pupils who want to study and who are interested in lessons should study there. In an ideal shool, the most active and the most obidient pupils are praised and rewarded by presents. It's my ideal school.
ну не знаю честно хз не понимаю
не могу понять