Insert the article where it is necessary.
1. This is a pen. That is the pencil. 2. This is a book. It is my book. 3. Is this your pencil? — No, it
isn’t my pencil, it is my sister’s pencil. 4. I have sister. My sister is engineer. My sister’s
husband is a doctor. They have got two children. 5. This is a girl. This the girl is their a daughter.
Their daughter’s name is Vera. 6. That is a boy. That boy is her brother. Her brother’s name
is Nick. 7. This is our flat. 8. We have got a car. Our car is not very expensive but reliable. 9. I have
no pet. 10. My granny has got a headache. She has no idea what to do. 11. I have friend. His
name is Mike. My friend is very good. 12. It’s cat. Its tail is long and bushy. It’s Mike’s cat.
при вживанні особи, чисел не використовується артикль при повторенні іменника ставиться уже the
на :
маша миронова ‒ одна из главных героев романа а. с. пушкина «капитанская дочка». маша была
первой героиней пушкина, которая сочетает в себе смелость, решительность и мягкость,невероятную доброту.
в ней отразились идеальные представления писателя о девушке.
маше 18 лет. круглолицая, румяная, с светло‑русыми волосами, гладко зачесанными за уши, которые у нее так и горели.
автор отмечает, что голосок маши был тонким и мягким, «ангельским».
на :
masha mironova is one of the main characters of a. s. pushkin's novel "the captain's daughter". masha was
the first heroine of pushkin, which combines courage, determination and gentleness, incredible kindness.
it reflected a perfect view of the writer about the girl.
masha is 18 years old. she was round-faced, rosy-cheeked, with light brown hair slicked back behind her ears, which burned.
the author notes that masha's voice was thin and soft, "angelic".
2. done
3. had
4. had brought
5. was
6. are
7. went
8. easier
9. mine
10. Somebody