1 ‘Does he know her well?’ ‘He has known her since he was a little boy.’ 2 ‘He looks fantastic!’ ‘He has gone to the gym a lot recently.’ 3 She’s annoyed because he has been avoiding her all day. 4 I'm confused because I haven't understood the question. 5 Have you seen Judy today?’ ‘Yes, I saw her at lunchtime.’ 6 ‘He has felt ill since Monday.’ ‘Then why hasn’t he gone to the doctor?’ 7 ‘Have they unpacked all the boxes yet?’ ‘No, they’ve only just started!’ 8 Has he eaten enough lately? He looks a bit thin. 9 She has never traveled by plane before. She’s scared of flying. 10 I have been working on this problem for hours, but I still haven’t solved it
Hello, How is your second day in London Hello, just fine, I was on the London Eye (well, you understand, yes) and in the Tower! A How are your days are over? In what areas have you been? Oh, I was also on the London Eye and I really enjoyed the view from there, night city from a height of just fine. With friends went to be photographed with the big Ben and they came out so beautiful. And what are your plans for the rest of the week? Go to the Tower, and St. Paul's Cathedral. Have you heard that the cathedral is located at the highest point of the city? I was told that there is an incredible architecture and very beautiful paintings. No, I have not. This news shocked me. We can then come together you will be free tomorrow at 10 am? Yes, then we agreed to meet here tomorrow! Till tomorrow!
Wait a minute, please! The dinner is being prepared for you.