1. The sun doesn't go around the Earth. 2. The sun doesn't rise in the West. 3. Mice don't catch cats. 4. The Volga doesn't flow into the Kama. 5. We don't go to the theatre every day. 6. I don't have coffee every morning. 7. She doesn't have a holiday in the South every summer. 8. In the evening he usually doesn't draw pictures. 9. I don't learn poems every day. 10. My sister doesn't lose something every time. 11. I don't write an English exercise. 12. I don't drink coffee in the evening. 13. Your friend doesn't go to school in the H. 14. In the morning the baby doesn't always sleep after breakfast. 15. His grandmother doesn't work. 16. My sister doesn't study at an institute. 17. My mother doesn't play the piano in the morning.
Букингемский дворец это рабочее место,официальный и главный королевский дом королевы. Он расположен в Вестминстере. Дворец является местом для торжественных случаев. Здание было для Букингемского герцога в 1705 году. Джордж III купил его в 1761 как личную резиденцию для королевы Шарлотты и, он был известен как "Дом Королевы". Букингемский дворец в конце концов стал официальным королевским дворцом Британского монарха и королевы Виктории, которая была первым монархом живущим здесь в 1837 году. Букингемский дворец используется в качестве административной работы для монархов. Здесь Её Величество принимает и забавляет гостей приглашённых во дворец.
2. The sun doesn't rise in the West.
3. Mice don't catch cats.
4. The Volga doesn't flow into the Kama.
5. We don't go to the theatre every day.
6. I don't have coffee every morning.
7. She doesn't have a holiday in the South every summer.
8. In the evening he usually doesn't draw pictures.
9. I don't learn poems every day.
10. My sister doesn't lose something every time.
11. I don't write an English exercise.
12. I don't drink coffee in the evening.
13. Your friend doesn't go to school in the H.
14. In the morning the baby doesn't always sleep after breakfast.
15. His grandmother doesn't work.
16. My sister doesn't study at an institute.
17. My mother doesn't play the piano in the morning.