Масленица – праздник языческий. И первоначально ее празднование на Руси было связано, по одним версиям, с прославлением бога Солнца Ярилы, по другим - "скотьего бога" Велеса.
В древние времена этот день был одним из тех, что осмыслить течение времени - смена сезонов обросла множеством примет и ритуалов. Масленица была одним из них - праздновали уходящую зиму и надеялись на скорое тепло. Гуляния всегда сопровождались огнем - горящие костры, колеса и чучело были главными атрибутами Масленицы и отзвуками культа солнца, царившего на Руси
Shrovetide is a pagan holiday. And initially its celebration in Russia was associated, according to some versions, with the glorification of the sun god Yarila, according to others - the "cattle god" Veles.
In ancient times, this day was one of those that help to comprehend the passage of time - the change of seasons was overgrown with many signs and rituals. Shrovetide was one of them - they celebrated the outgoing winter and hoped for an early warmth. Festivities were always accompanied by fire - burning bonfires, wheels and a scarecrow were the main attributes of Maslenitsa and echoes of the cult of the sun that reigned in Russia.
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The National Library of Belarus (NBB) was founded by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR in 1922 as the Belarusian State and University Library of the Belarusian State University (BSU). At the time of opening, the library's collections numbered only 60 thousand copies, which were used by 1.1 thousand people. The first private building of the library was the Jubilee House on Zakharyevskaya Street (now Independence Avenue). By the resolution of the SNK of the BSSR of May 14, 1926, the library was withdrawn from the BSU and reorganized into the Belarusian State Library. In 1932, the library was named after V. I. Lenin. In the same year, the library received a new building by architect G. Lavrov in the constructivist style.