Our lifestyle I think is right. Because we always go in for sports, eat everything healthy. But there are people who do not care about sports and they do not follow the right life. They eat chips, soda and other unhealthy foods. I tell everyone to observed the good life and ate only wholesome food
У нас образ жизни думаю что на правильном.Потому что мы всегда занимемся спортом,едим все полезное.Но есть такие люди которым наплевать на спорт и они не соблюдают правильную жизнь.Питаются чипсами,газировками и другими не полезными едами.Я говорю всем что бы соблюдали хорошую жизнь и ели только полезную еду
незнаю,надеюсь мне сказали что это правильно:)
Trisha: Have I told you about my sister, Judy?
Judy: No, I don’t think so.
Trisha: She's bought a new flat.
Judy: That’s great! Is she living there yet?
Trisha: No, she hasn't moved in yet.
But she's packed most of her things.
Judy: Have you seen her new flat?
Trisha: No, I haven't had time.
Judy: Is she decorating the flat before she moves?
Trisha: Yes, Mum and Dad are helping her paint.
Judy: Have they finished?
Trisha: No, they haven't painted living room yet.
Judy: When is your sister going to move?
Trisha: This weekend!
1) е. is delivered
2) b. was be imported
3) was offered
4) a. given
5) b. are love
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