Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. on the island of Cos. Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He taught his pupils to work quickly and attentively. Hippocrates created medicine on the basis of experience. He observed diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and malaria. The doctor also treated people using exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable medicine. One of his theories was that the body had four fluids: (blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile - необязательно). He thought diseases were caused by too much or too little of one fluid, and the doctor had to restore the balance. Then the theory was proved wrong/incorrect.
Hippocrates is often called «the Father of Medicine» and some of his ideas are still important. Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath (клятва).
1. Где вы находите такие интересные книги? —Where do you find such interesting books?
2. Этот ученик знает урок хорошо. — This pupil knows the lesson well.
3. Мой сын всегда забывает игрушки. — My son always forgets the toys.
4. Почему моя дочь всегда теряет карандаши? — Why does my daughter always lose her pencils?
5. Они всегда приносят много цветов. — They always bring many flowers.
6. Этот учитель всегда встречает учеников на улице. — This teacher always meets pupils outside.
7. Что ты слышишь обычно в лесу? — What do you usually hear in the forest?
8. Мой брат всегда получает прекрасные оценки. — Mu brothers always gets great marks.
9. Где ты покупаешь этот чай? — Where do you buy this tea?
10. Когда покидает дом твой сын? — When does your son leave home or go out?
11. Он обычно читает у окна. — He usually reads at the window.
12. Что он дает всегда этой птице? — What does he always give to this bird?
13 Что учитель думает о школе? — What does the teacher think about the school?
14. Эта птица обычно сидит на дереве. — This bird usually sits in a tree.
15. Моя мать обычно ездит на море. — My mother usually goes to the sea.
16. Почему эта девочка говорит на английском? — Why does this girl speak in English?