Working on the school radio gives children a unique experience of shared responsibility for a common cause in the presence of a zone of individual responsibility for their site. Therefore, one of the effective forms of educational activity of students at school is the creation of a school radio station. Work on the creation of school radio programs helps to identify active, talented children, so the creation of the project "The Voice of the school" is very relevant. This work consists of several directions: informational, educational, educational. The topics of radio broadcasts, forms, topics, categories can be very diverse: thematic radio releases, holiday programs, music programs. Each topic of the radio program needs to be put into an interesting form (dialogues, reports, interviews), and therefore work on the project involves classes in compiling and writing interviews, reports, etc. Participation of schoolchildren in the school broadcasting system develops such important personal qualities as sociability, general erudition, cultural level, expressiveness of speech. The project is long-term and involves the production of radio broadcasts in a variety of areas: sports and recreation, humanitarian, artistic and aesthetic, civic and patriotic weekly. The project "School Radio "The Voice of the school" is based on joint work with the School newspaper "Windows of our House", the Council of High school students, the school administration.
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