1. The region is situated on Siberian Plain
2. Tyumen region is 1 464 200 km²
3. Yamalo - Nenets Autonomous district Tyumen region comprise
4. The population of the Tyumen region is 3 323 100
5. The Tyumen city is the centre of the Tyumen region
6. Tyumen region has an oil, gas, limestone, gems and wood.
7. Oil and gas in the Tyumen region are exported to other countries.
8. The greatest gas-bearing deposits are Samotlor, Holmogorsk, Krasnoleninsk and Fedorovsky.
9. Yes, it is. Petrochemical plant in Tobolsk called ZapSibNeftekhim.
10. Fuel industry, mechanical engineering and electricity are developed in the region.
11. Only 3% of the territory is concentrated in the region's agriculture.
12. Stable economy in the Tyumen region.
1 mistake: Family is the best thing you can wish to a person
2 mistake: не stepfather а father in law
3 mistake: Home is a place where you can feel warmth, love, where you will be understood and surrounded by care.
4 mistake: We are gathering in the evening, drinking tea, talking about things that we have learned today or just joking.(так правильнее)
5 mistake: I`d be very interested to get some information from a British teenager and have a picture of how he spends time with his family. (если надо, могу рассказать о том как обстоят дела у меня в семье (я оттуда))
6 mistake: Unfortunately, some families don`t have good relationship. (единственное число)
7 mistake: First of all, stop fighting, screaming, stop having secrets, (так правильнее)
8 mistake: you need to be more opened to your relatives
9 mistake: его нет)
все выше
Earthquake Hits WhiteroseWhiterose's city centre 1) seriously yesterday morning when it 2) Hited by an earthquake measuring6.2on the Richter scale. Fifty people.
3) Injured and more than two hundred.
4)Traped under debris since 10 am.
5)It believed by experts that another earthquake may strike the area again in the near future. The localcouncil announced this afternoon that money.
6)Gived to help those in need. Any donations tocharitable organisations .
7) Collected by Mrs Randall on Monday from 9:00 - 5:00.