I found candy, but I didn't find cookies.
The baby drank the juice, but did not drink the milk.
My great-grandmother fed the geese, but she didn't feed the ducks.
Mary wrote the test, but she didn't write the report.
The boys drew the head, but they didn't draw the hair.
Mom brought the meat, but she didn't bring the potatoes.
They built a modern kindergarten, but they didn't build a Playground.
He bought a cotton shirt, but he didn't buy wool trousers.
We caught a lot of fish, but we didn't catch any crabs.
1. Ваша задача - сформировать тег во Она уже пришла.
2) Они скоро вернутся домой.
3) Они не делали свою домашнюю работу 2 года назад.
4) Они вообще не говорят по-немецки.
5) Сегодня он идет в театр.
2. Исправьте ошибки
1) люблю читать
2) Они смотрели фильм ужасов вчера, не так ли?
3) Кейт недавно видела "Звездные войны", не так ли?
4) «Парк юрского периода» - боевик, не правда ли?
5) Женя завтра пойдет в библиотеку.