1. I once ( knew) a village teacher who (was) partially blind. He (had been deprived) of one eye as the result of infection. His blind eye (had been taken) out, and a glass one ( inserted) in its socket instead. One day the teacher ( needed) to leave his class of small children alone for half an hour or so. But he (was held) back by one consideration. The children of the class (were) really unruly. He ( knew) that if they (were left) alone for any length of time they (would become) violent and complaints (would be make) by their parents. Suddenly he (was striken) by an idea. In a moment his glass eye (was taken) out of its socket, and ( placed) on the table. “Now, children”, he said, “I (am going) out for a few minutes but you (will be observed) all the time by my eye. If anything (is done) which (has not been approved) by me it (will be seen) by my eye, and the child (will be punished) when I (return). The children (were impressed) very much, and the teacher (went) off. But when he ( returned) an hour later it ( seemed) that a hurricane (had passed) through the classroom. The teacher (was astounded). “Evidently”, he thought,”I (have been outwited). I wonder how”. In the classroom the tables (were overturned), the walls ( spattered) with ink from ink-bombs which (had been thrown) during the battle which still (was being fought) out as a manifestation of high spirits. In fact, a good time (had been had) by all. The teacher ( wondered) why the presence of his glass eye (was not respected). He ( looked) round for it and ( saw) that it (was covered) by a hat.
1. The customer didn’t understand why the Sellers (had increased) the unit price. 2. He wasn’t sure if they (would pay) them any compensation for the damaged samples. 3. They informed that they (had redesigned) the old model. 4. He told us that he had already ( checked) in his luggage. 5. She asked if he (had payed) an excess baggage charge. 6. The passengers didn’t know where they (could) collect their luggage. 7. The Custom Officer was interested to know if I ( had) anything to declare. 8. The supplier admitted that they (had) a lot of orders to handle at that time. 9. The secretary said she (had lost) the price list somewhere in all the other papers. 10. He complained that they (were suffering) from strikes at the airport.1. Клиент не понимает, почему продавцы увеличили цену товара. 2. Он не был уверен, выплатят ли они им какую-либо компенсацию за поврежденные образцы. 3. Они сообщили, что они изменили старую модель. 4. Он сказал нам, что он уже сдал свой багаж. 5. Она спрашивает, оплатил ли он избыточный багаж. 6. Пассажиры не знали, где им забирать свой багаж. 7. Таможенник хотел знать, было ли у меня что декларировать. 8. Поставщик признал, что в то время у них было много заказов для исполнения. 9. Секретарь сказала, что она затеряла прайс-лист где-то в других бумагах. 10. Он что они страдали от забастовок в аэропорту.
EX 3.
1. ответ уже есть
2. She was Young
4. Born in California
5. Australia
EX 5.
1. Mountains of Altai
2. It is like Mount Everest
3. I travel there by bus , or by airplane
4. Just climbing