The story which happened with Simson and Simon was really unique. On my opinion Simon chickened because he thought only about his own life while he did evil action. If you decided to pick this rock together, even it not from easiest, as i understand from the text, then you must watch to death's eyes and accept it, if nessesary. It is for Simon. I dont like his idea, which was in climbing Joe down by himself. It was convinient to leave Joe higher in the mountain, in suitable and safe place with warm clothes and food. After that climb down carefully, but fast for help. Call for experience climbers, which pick Joe down. Fortinately the story ended successful and Joe staing alive. Ради всего святого, пиши проще в следующий раз Это же не сочинение по русскому
1. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. 2. The King and the Queen of Spain gave Columbus money for voyage. 3. There were 3 caravels: the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. 4. Columbus named the land they had reached San Salvador ("Holy Saviour"). 5.European people came to the New Land for many reasons, each person had its own reason but here are main: Some hoped to find gold, silver and other treasures, some wanted to bring Christian religion to the indians, and some came there to start a new life without religious problems. 6.Pilgrims were a small group of English people. They wanted to live in a country that Columbus discovered.
On my opinion Simon chickened because he thought only about his own life while he did evil action. If you decided to pick this rock together, even it not from easiest, as i understand from the text, then you must watch to death's eyes and accept it, if nessesary. It is for Simon. I dont like his idea, which was in climbing Joe down by himself. It was convinient to leave Joe higher in the mountain, in suitable and safe place with warm clothes and food. After that climb down carefully, but fast for help. Call for experience climbers, which pick Joe down. Fortinately the story ended successful and Joe staing alive.
Ради всего святого, пиши проще в следующий раз Это же не сочинение по русскому