Imagine you and your family are on a wine
holiday. Send a postcard to your English-speaking pen-friend. Use
the plan (60-70 words). Use upper and lower case letters accurately.
Greet your friend and say where you are. (Greetings from We're...)
Describe the place and the weather. (The hotel's) The weather's )
Talk about what you and your family are doing now, closing remarks
(Dad's Mum's My I'm See you soon.)
Little Red Riding Hood should look carefully for a wolf in the dark forest.
Peter couldn’t remember his friend’s phone number, so he looked it up in the phonebook.
At the funfair I saw a young woman with a naughty child. She had to look at him carefully.
My little brother comes to our house every summer, and I usually look forward to his visit.
The police are looking into the crimes that happened last week at the shopping mall.
Granny’s lost her glasses. Can you please help her to look for them?
My neighbor is an arrogant man. He always looks down at people.
Looking at the Sun is dangerous for your eyesight.
Try to look forward for your timetable and you’ll have plenty of free time.
The more she looked through the glass, the less she liked what she saw.