Meg is a very active person and she's really fit. She's mad about tennis. She practises a lot and she's a fantastic player! I don't play because I'm terrible at sport, but I love to see her play tennis. I go to the tennis club to watch her. I'm lazy, so I don't exercise a lot. Meg is a very friendly person and people think that she's great. She's always with someone -she doesn't like to be alone. We go to a lot of parties, sometimes two or three a week! Everyone is her friend and she speaks to everyone. People tell her their problems. She knows everything about everyone!
1. public schools, secondary scools and schools of art
2. i study at secondary school in... (твой город) это конечно, если ты учишься в средней школе, а если в специализированной, то пишешь ее названи
3. the most of all in my school i like our full of wisdom teachers and cheerful classmates
4. i don't like thet we have so many homework and there is no time for so some hobby or just relaxation. all we do - is studies, studies and studies!
5. I am encouraged by my uncle’s example: I want to be a surgeon. I like this profession and I am eager to get a medical education and work at a hospital. My uncle is a surgeon and works in a surgical department. Day by day he takes care of his hospital patients, he treats them well. The worst part of his job is when a patient that he has been caring for dies, but unfortunately nobody is eternal. Actually I want to be a surgeon because he helps people by making operations and saving their lives. School helps me by givind a secondary education adn preparing me for life.
Ну это уже я от себя понапридумывала, ты конечно можешь выбрать другую профессию для своего ессе :)
My country have Public, Private Secondary, Boarding schools and School externship.
I study at public school.
I like time-tested program, curriculum, requirements for students in my school.
I don't like that at my school large classes and the knowledge to get much more difficult than, for example, in private schools.
I'm still not fully decided on the answer, since my views on the future, I'm sure, will have time to change.
At my school, each student receives a fundamental knowledge in all major subjects in the future, with good grades, will give each of us to go to a good education institution.
Meg is a very active person and she's really fit. She's mad about tennis. She
practises a lot and she's a fantastic player! I don't play because I'm terrible at sport, but I love to see her play tennis. I go to the tennis club to watch her. I'm lazy, so I don't exercise a lot. Meg is a very friendly person and people think that she's great. She's always with someone -she doesn't like to be alone. We go to a lot of parties, sometimes two or three a week! Everyone is her friend and she speaks to everyone. People tell her their problems. She knows everything about everyone!