Well, something about internet...
I want to say, that the internet makes our lives better and easier, and I want to share my experience with you. The most important part of Internet’s abilities is finding any types of information. It helps us to progress and grow up. A lot of Internet users use it to chat with peoples, buy any products and of course play games. As for me, it’s cool that we can communicate with friends, whom are separated by thousands of kilometers. Also playing games helps us to relax and have rest at home. We can also know about social media like Instagram, TikTok and other popular platforms. They are created to share the information about your life among other users. This platforms also contains groups, it is one more way to communicate and meet new guys. In these groups can be people from every corner of the world, different races and worldview. But we are all together, and the Internet helps to keep this.
You cannot see new oceans unless you are brave enought to lose sight of the shore.
Ты не может открыть новые океаны, если у тебя нет смелости упускать из виду берег.