Вот доставерная информация о том сколько часов работает учитель, нашел на английском форуме. Тоже самое можно сделать и с другими проффессиями. Удачи. So at the very bare minimum, their day is 7:40am-3:30pm. So this nonexistent 6.5 hour teacher work day you speak about is actually 7 hours and 50 minutes [AT THE BARE MINIMUM]. And I assume you would know this with your wife being a teacher [guess not], but there are weekly meetings that teachers are *required* to attend and that will certainly make up the 10 minute daily difference putting them at a standard 40 hour work week [BARE MINIMUM REQUIRED HOURS].
Andrew Smith liked the novels of a writer (1. called) David Lambourn. Andrew's wife Sarah, the manager of a big bookshop, always (2. brought) Andrew the (3. latest) works by his favourite writer. Then one day Sarah (4. said) to her husband, "David Lambourn (5. will come) to (6. our) bookshop (7. to sign) copies of his new book for his admirers. (8. Isn't) that good news? A big party (9. is organized) for him at the Grand Hotel and you (10. are invited) as my husband." Andrew (11. got) very happy and (12. was looking) forward to the day when he (13. would meet) David Lambourn. On the great day at 6 p.m. Andrew (14. was standing) at the door of the hotel room where the party had just (15. begun). He (16. hoped) he (17. would recognize) the writer whose photograph he (18. had had) for a long time. And he really (19. did). The great writer (20. was talking) to his wife Sarah! What luck! Andrew (21. was introduced) to the writer (immediately). He wanted the great man (22. to tell) him about his (23. earlier) days as a writer and (24. learnt) that the writer's real name was David Lamb but his agent (25. advised) him to change it. Then Andrew saw David Lambourn (26. smile). "Would you (27. like) (28. to know) my little secret?" he asked, "When I (29. had been writing) for twelve years already, I (30. found) out that I (31. had) no talent as a writer!" Andrew was surprised and asked why he (32. had not given) up writing. «By that time I (33. had become) too famous to stop," answered the writer.
1. singing 2.sung 3.washing 4.washing 5.doing 6.done 7.очень спорно 8.wtitten 9.translated 10.visited