I think everybody knows that sport is very important part of healthy lifestyle. You can choose any type of sport. It doesn’t matter if you want to be fit, healthy and cheerful.Думаю, все знают, что спорт — очень важная составляющая здорового образа жизни. Вы можете выбрать любой вид спорта. Это не имеет значения, если вы хотите быть в хорошей форме, здоровым и бодрым.I like lessons of physical education at school. Moreover, I attend boxing section after lessons. It’s one of my favorite types of pastime. I constantly develop in this direction and improve my skills.Мне нравятся уроки физкультуры в школе. Кроме того, я хожу на секцию бокса после уроков. Это одно из моих любимых занятий в свободное время. Я постоянно развиваюсь в этом направлении и улучшаю свои навыки.Several teachers was training me. All of them were attentive for me and highly professional. I have two friends who attend boxing with me. We spend our free time together.Меня тренировали несколько учителей. Все они были внимательны ко мне и очень профессиональны. У меня есть два лучших друга, которые ходят на бокс вместе со мной. Мы проводим свободное время вместе.Another sport that I enjoy is athletics. It closely linked with boxing. It helps to achieve good results. I like to run and to do strength exercises. It strengthens the body and improves endurance.Еще один вид спорта, которым я увлекаюсь — это легкая атлетика. Она тесно связана с боксом и достичь в нем хороших результатов. Мне нравится бегать и выполнять силовые упражнения. Это укрепляет тело, повышает выносливость.My sister likes sport too. She attend tennis and she’s good at it. I like to watch the games with her participation.Моя сестра тоже любит спорт. Она ходит на теннис и она хороша в нем. Я люблю смотреть игры с ее участием.Anyway, I like all sports. It very important for our family. Because we want to be healthy.
Football is considered to be the most popular sport games in the world. It is my favourite game as well... Together with my dad we are fans of football. We always watch important football matches on TV. At weekends sometimes we go to our stadium to watch the games of local teams. I know that British people are ardent fans of this game. They even have some Premier League football clubs, such as Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal. American football is called soccer. Their game is a bit different from football. For example, the shape of a ball and a uniform are totally different. The rules of football are quite simple. There are eleven players in each team. Every team tries to score as many goals as they can. No one is allowed to use hand while playing, only legs. The goalkeeper on the contrary uses hands to catch the ball. By its origin it’s an old game. They say that even in China at 400 BC games similar to football were played. Later, it was played in Ancient Egypt and Rome. Today this game is played in more than 140 countries. It is especially popular in some European and Latin American countries. Football is also played in the Olympics. Women’s football is a comparatively new game. Every year Europe houses FIFA Cup competitions and every four years – the World Cup. My favourite footballers are Ronaldo and Zidan. Unfortunately, Zidan left football several years ago, so now I only fancy Ronaldo’s game.