In the background, we could see a car. (На заднем плане была видна машина.)
In our kitchen-garden grows leek. (В нашем огороде растет лук.)
The unicorn is a legendary animal. (Единорог это легендарнон животное.)
I believe in the purity of his intentions. (Я верю в чистоту его намерений.)
My house is my fortress. (Мой дом — моя крепость.)
There is a huge library in our school. (В нашей школе есть огромная библиотека.)
He was sent to prison for three years for the crime. (Его отправили на три года в тюрьму за это преступление.)
He regarded him as a hero. (Он считал его героем.)
This trinity always goes together. (Эта троица всегда ходит вместе.)
Politeness and literacy - through communication. (Вежливость и грамотность - основы общения.)
i like to see comedies. recently i have seen the comedy "some like it hot". it is an eccentric comedy of billy wilder where tony kurtons, jack lenimon and merilin monro played the leading role. two just musicians, absolutaly poor guys turned out unnecessary witnesses for the crime of the chicago mafice. to avoid the distraction from their hands they got a job in the woman`s jazz band. they had to change their clothes into the woman`s ones and to take the names of josephina and daphna. while touring joe fell in love with jerry. but suddenly they met their enemy and they could hardly save themselves.