Еще задание: В течении субботы и воскресенья запишите 10 реплик,которые вам скажут ваши домочадцы и ваши ответы на них. For e.g. My mom said that she had already thrown the trash away. I replied that next time I would do it.
1. My sisters are both past their twenties. they are twins. they are blond with blue eyes. 2. my uncle and aunt have a two son. they are my favourite brothers — Dmitrii and Alexandr. 3. Mark — middle aged man. - how many children does he have? - Two. his daughters are my friends. 4. How it is written your last name? - P e t r o v - thank you very much. 5. - it's my driver's license. - this driver's license is mine 6. Edgar - German student. He lives in the south of Germany. Japanese friend Edgar lives in the capital of Japan. They communicate in English.
1)Моим сестрам за двадцать.Они близнецы.Они высокие светловолосые ,с голубыми глазами. 2)У моей тёти и дяди два сына. Это мои любимые двоюродные братья Дмитрий и Александр. 3)3.Марк- мужчина средних лет. - Сколько у него детей? - Двое.Его дочери- мои подруги. 4) Как пишется ваша фамилия? -P-e-t-r-o-v.- Большое 5)Это мои водительские права .-Эти водительские права мои. 6) эдгар-немецкий студент.Он живет на юге Германии.Японская подруга Эдгара живет в столице Японии .Они общаются по английски.
-Привет!Как дела? -Нормально,а ты как? -Все впорядке .Я хотел бы познакомить тебя со своим братом. -Александр.Рад познакомится . -Очень приятно Дмитрий.
My mom told me that I had to take out the trash
I told her OK mummy now
My grandfather told me to bring me a beer. I told him we were out of it
My brother said help me with my test work . I told him I couldn't do it now
My mother told me it was your aunt's birthday tomorrow and that I should buy a cake . I told her I'll buy it after class
My mother told me to study well
I told her don't worry mom
My brother told me to feed him. I told him that I was not his slave and that he was not my master
My brother told me to wash his clothes. I told him that he asked me a lot of things
My mother told me that I was good in this quarter and that she was proud of me. I told her it was nice