Probably no lesson does not cause us as much joy as physical education. because of the close desks - in a spacious gym! if you want - climb the wall or pull up on the bar, if you want - swing on the rope or play a ball, or you can still tumble on the mats, jump over the "goat", jump rope and do not list everything that you can do in time of this lesson! along the two walls of the gym - long blue benches. only people without fantasy can sit on them. after all, it is enough to move them away from the wall, and the benches turn into a universal sports equipment! you can walk and run along them, keeping your balance, you can jump through them, girls can easily push themselves away from them, and boys can rock a press. in the summer, the school gymnasium was renovated, and now it just shines. blue walls and a high white ceiling create a feeling of freshness and spaciousness, so necessary for us after the lessons of chemistry and algebra.
Our health depends on different factors, and nutrition is one of them. we get all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and microelements with food. however, apart from necessary, vital elements, many food products contain ingredients that are useless or even destructive for health. unfortunately, very often unhealthy food is tasty, appetizing and relatively inexpensive, so, we are tempted to buy it again and again. as a result, we receive too little healthy elements, such as protein, unsaturated fats and fiber and too many empty calories, trans fats and carbohydrates. it causes various health problems – from obesity to metabolic disease and accelerated physiological ageing.